Questions you should be thinking about
You're booking in for an initial assessment because you want to learn more about OP, why you have it and what you need to do to get better. And importantly, whether I'm the therapist that can help you get better. Below are what i consider some important questions I'll be asking you to help you better understand OP, and how it affects your body.
1. Why do you think you have OP? What is the root cause? Forgetting the diagnosis and technical terms like Anterior Pelvic tilt etc., what do you feel is actually wrong with your body? What is stuck/broken/tight/weak that leads you to experience the problems you have? If you had a magic wand, what would you change/correct about how your body works that would fix your OP (no... your wand cant just fix OP completely!).
2. Why haven't any of your previous attempts/therapies worked? What was missing in those treatment plans/approaches? What do you need to get better?
3. Do you have any previous injuries that you feel connect to your OP issue? Ankle, knee, hip shoulder etc. Do you feel/are you aware of any of these issues affecting how your pelvis/adductors work?