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How do I fix my Osteitis Pubis?
Why the OP Rehab Protocol works
The 10 Stage OP Rehabilitation Protocol
Fixing OP over Skype


Osteitis Pubis is a movement disorder caused by poor biomechanics that overload the adductors and pubic symphysis. To fix OP you must improve your movement patterns to correct these imbalances; distributing the shock and load of movement across the body as opposed to over relying and overloading your adductors and pubic symphysis.


Over worked adductors: the true cause of Osteitis Pubis


Unfortunately most OP patients (and their therapists) lack the knowledge and understanding of what these dysfunctional OP movement patterns are. How to assess, identify and most importantly, correct them.


OP Biomechanics: the tell-tale signs of an OP patient


This takes a fundamental change in how you address your rehab. Its not about fixing what's wrong; Its about building a body that has the skill/coordination to move without overloading the adductors/pelvis. Notice I didn’t say strength; I said skill/coordination. You will need to get stronger, but that has to come from fascial efficiency and muscular coordination. Not brute force/strength. Over bracing/tightening…. the hours of planks and bridges have likely played a role in progressing your OP in the long run.


Faulty firing patterns: the true cause of your OP


We all want our problems to come with quick solutions. This might hold true for a hamstring strain or a tweaked calf; it does not for OP. OP is a chronic pain condition; the movement patterns which overload your adductors are well entrenched. They are an instinctive, natural part of the way you move. Correcting them isn’t as simple as adding a few new exercises into your training routine.


We’ve tailored a comprehensive 10 stage self-treatment and rehabilitation protocol which methodically addresses all the underlying causes of Osteitis Pubis. There are no corners cut; we cover every single aspect of your treatment and rehab, step by step, until you are back on the court/track/field/life.


This is not some wishy washy, a couple of stretches and a few resistance band worksheets. You won’t wonder if you’re getting better; you’ll feel your body learning to use your glutes/core/arches/obliques/breathe together when moving. We don’t expect you to just fix your OP, we expect you to become a stronger, faster, more agile, indestructible athlete. Its not a case of running/playing a game and judging your success by whether or not you felt pain; that making judgements on the absence of information. What if you are just having a good day? What if you are just in a good mood?


No… This is about using your body. About knowing you are succeeding because you can feel your glutes/core/arches etc. working when you are walking/running/playing. Chronic pain conditions like OP are tricky, you’ll have good days and bad. But you can learn to control your movement patterns, you can make sure you are using the right activation patterns, so you can deload your adductors and cut OP of at its root cause.


Education demystifies OP. It illuminates exactly why you have OP and exactly what you need to do to fix it. Your OP recovery starts with education, so that you understand the purpose for every rehab exercise and treatment strategy. Once you understand the problem, you only need to put in the work to fix it!


Understanding exactly how and why you developed OP is the first step. It keeps your rehab focused; improving your technique to ensure you’re correcting your ‘OP biomechanics’.


The next step is having the right treatment and rehab; exercises designed specifically to treat and correct the faulty biomechanics that cause OP.


Osteitis Pubis has one of the poorest treatment outcomes of non-traumatic musculoskeletal injuries. Athletes lose careers over it. This is because therapists and patients alike do not methodically treat the underlying causes. They treat it like any other muscle injury; stretching, rest, and unfocused treatment (massage, manipulations etc.) strategies that don’t systematically address the fascial and muscular imbalances of OP.


Vague hit and miss strategies will work with minor injuries, they will not work with a chronic condition like Osteitis Pubis.


Yes you might do some pilates for your core; but are you truly addressing the very specific ‘core’ weaknesses that are causing your OP. Are you correctly activating your ‘deep core’, or just the ‘superficial core’ muscles like your rectus abdominus (6 pack) and your obliques?


Deep core vs superficial core; understanding what real core activation is


And yes, I’m sure you’ve done some glute strengthening. But are you sure your glutes are activating when your running? Are they engaging and stabilizing your hips as you are changing direction? Or are they dormant; leaving your suffering adductors to provide all the stabilization?


Rehab is just a list of exercises written on a piece of paper that you follow. True rehabilitation and recovery is learning and understanding what you are trying to achieve. Correcting and adapting your technique (and therefore movement patterns) to address the very causes of your pain and dysfunction.


If your rehab isn’t specifically addressing the underlying causes of OP you are simply wasting your time.


For many muscular injuries treatment is the most important step in recovery. This is not the case for Osteitis Pubis. Your poor movement patterns have caused your OP. Only through exercise and rehabilitation can you correct these movement patterns; fixing your OP permanently.


Treatment can reduce pain sensitivity and improve mobility. It can unlock the joints and tissues of your body. Muscular/fascial tension restricts movement, preventing you from correcting the dysfunctional movement patterns that cause your OP. Treatment can be an integral part of the recovery process; but it’s no silver bullet. No magical therapist, no injection, no peptide will instantly and permanently fix your OP. Quality treatment will allow you perform your rehab with less pain and greater success. But it’s your rehabilitation; you actively changing your personal movement patterns/biomechanics that fixes your OP. Treatment can make the rehab process smoother, but it can’t replace it. There are no easy fixes to OP!


Unfortunately most people use treatment as a crutch. As a way to reduce pain so they can continue to move poorly; engaging in activities which aggravate their groins and then limping back to the treatment table to repeat the process. If you are doing this your OP will never recover.


You don’t need a therapist for treatment; why self-treatment is just as effective for OP


Rest; the worse thing for OP


Fixing OP takes work. But once you commit fixing OP is very simple.


  1. Assessment: Identify biomechanical faults that have caused your OP

  2. Rehab: Address biomechanical faults through focused, OP specific exercises

    • Utilize self-treatment to enhance movement and mobility during rehab.

  3. Functional progression: Progress rehab difficulty from simple to complex functional movements that mimic real world activities.


The goal of OP rehab isn’t to return you to the way you were. Because your previous movement patterns weren’t good enough; they lead you to developing OP!


Once you’ve finished rehabbing you should feel invincible; you should feel strong and agile. OP rehab will make you tougher than your life; stronger than anything you will face on the track/field/ring. You will have complete confidence that there is absolutely nothing that the world could throw at you that your body can’t handle. Forget just fixing your OP, you should feel indestructible once you’ve finished the OP protocol! You should have 120% confidence that you will never develop OP again.

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Please use either the email below or the contact form to the side to shoot me through an questions you might have.


During my clinic hours (Sunday Afternoon till Tuesday morning GMT-10) I may not able to answer contact inquiries immediately. 






© Copyright The OP Clinic 2022

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